Friday, June 15, 2012

Half Moon Bay

And you thought I only took pictures of airplanes!

After work I decided to go for a drive and find a beach to take some pictures. So I drove out to Half Moon Bay outside of San Francisco. Being from Colorado and not used to much water, this was a treat. I really like the salty smell in the air. It was very refreshing. There wasn't much to take pictures of. And fortunately there were a few people there to make the shots more interesting. I saw a young couple cuddled in a blanket. I really wanted to take pictures of them, but I didn't want to intrude on their privacy. 

I had a lot of thoughts run through my head while I was there. Some were philosophical, some were spiritual. I even felt lonely: yearning for someone to share the experience with. But I left with a greater appreciation for the power of water. Colorado is a beautiful place, but the Pacific Ocean is beautiful too.

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