Friday, October 26, 2012

Painted Horses

                                                  Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day Trip Doing Some Sight Seeing

I had to get people into this pic so you could understand how big the trunks of these trees are.

                                                                Golden Gate Bridge

                                                         What is the real message here?

 I shot this pictures because I've never seen a road with an 18% percent grade. After I took this shot I walked up a hill and was looking down at this sign when a car lost control and wiped it out..

Here is some World War II history that I was unaware of. In 1942, the government built large gun emplacements on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge. They were designed to house 16 inch guns that could shoot at ships up to 25 miles away in case Japan decided in invade the U.S. Mainland. The project was abandoned in 1943 due to the war changing tide. 

                                                         Waterfront home anyone?

I took this picture not realizing that a cyclists had gotten in the way. But there's an additional story here. I saw a lot of cyclists on the Golden Gate Bridge. I can only assume that they were commuting from San Francisco to Sausalito. Hey if I could ride my bike to work, I would.

Monday, October 1, 2012

California Coast Pictures

   A wave crashing against the rocks. Taken somewhere between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz

                                                   Two people walking on the beach.
 This lighthouse at Pigeon Point was built in 1872 and the prism came from France. There's also a hostel here. May have to check that out someday.

                                                           Footprints in the sand

Friday, June 15, 2012

Half Moon Bay

And you thought I only took pictures of airplanes!

After work I decided to go for a drive and find a beach to take some pictures. So I drove out to Half Moon Bay outside of San Francisco. Being from Colorado and not used to much water, this was a treat. I really like the salty smell in the air. It was very refreshing. There wasn't much to take pictures of. And fortunately there were a few people there to make the shots more interesting. I saw a young couple cuddled in a blanket. I really wanted to take pictures of them, but I didn't want to intrude on their privacy. 

I had a lot of thoughts run through my head while I was there. Some were philosophical, some were spiritual. I even felt lonely: yearning for someone to share the experience with. But I left with a greater appreciation for the power of water. Colorado is a beautiful place, but the Pacific Ocean is beautiful too.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Airplanes at SFO

I was in San Francisco the other day when I spotted this Lufthansa Airbus A380 leaving the international terminal. I was hoping that the trucks on the roadway would give you an idea of the size of this airplane, but unfortunately it doesn't.

  ANA Boeing 777-300

Air China Boeing 747 being pushed off the gate.

United Boeing 747-400 with new livery.

Sunday, March 18, 2012