Monday, February 28, 2011

Who is your favorite teacher?

Who is your favorite teacher? Mine was Noel Brown at BYU-Idaho, formerly Ricks College.

Mr. Brown was a music instructor at the college. I signed up to be in the Sound Alliance Jazz band, and on the first day he handed me the music for 1st chair tenor sax. This was a big deal to me as I had always played 2nd. You musicians know what I'm talking about.

We had been working hard preparing for a concert. The day before the concert, Mr. Brown called me into his office. He said that the lead Alto sax player was ill and would I play his part in the concert. I said that I have never played his part and I don't have an Alto Sax. I also knew that the alto had a 16 bar solo that scared me. He said that they have an Alto that I can use. Then what he said next has been permanently etched into my mind: "Wayne, if you can't do it, nobody can".
Wow, he had a lot of confidence in me!!!

The concert went fine. To this day I can't remember the music we played. But I'll always remember Mr. Brown for the confidence he showed in me. Thanks Mr. Brown!